๐Ÿ“ƒCertificate error in Node-RED


After using the OPC UA Client node in Node-RED, sometimes you might see โ€œinvalid endpoint Errorโ€ as shown below:


  • You must generate new private_key.pem using Git Bash terminal

  • Install and open Git bash terminal. Type this code: openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout private_key.pem -x509 -out client_selfsigned_cert_2048.pem

  • Two files will be created in your root folder (C:\Users\>username>): client_selfsigned_cert_2048.pem and private_key.pem

  • In your documents, create a new folder called Self_certificate and move the two pem files into this folder

  • Also place a copy of private_key.pem into following directory: C:\Users<Username>\AppData\Roaming\node-red-opcua-nodejs\Config\PKI\own\private

  • In the edit window of OPC UA client, you must use Local certificate option and provide path for client_selfsigned_cert_2048.pem and private_key.pem files

  • They were both placed in the folder โ€˜Self_certificateโ€™ created in Documents folder

    • C:\Users<Username>\OneDrive\Documents\Self_certificate\client_selfsigned_cert_2048.pem

    • C:\Users<Username>\OneDrive\Documents\Self_certificate\private_key.pem

Also, it is a good idea to start a new node-red project with Encryption disabled before using the OPC UA Client node

Last updated